Idéal Investisseur
Idéal Investisseur
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Will Vanguard Embrace Cryptocurrencies with the Arrival of Salim Ramji?

Vanguard, the world's second largest asset manager, has just announced the appointment of Salim Ramji as its new CEO. This is a very significant event, as it is a rare external choice and the man is known for his involvement in the cryptocurrency sector.

Temps de lecture : 1 minute(s) - Par Léa Villedoré | Publié le 16-05-2024 11:09 
Will Vanguard Embrace Cryptocurrencies with the Arrival of Salim Ramji?

The launch of Bitcoin ETFs has made financial history

Is Vanguard about to make a new foray into the crypto asset ETF market? The surprise choice of its new CEO could suggest so. Salim Ramji previously served as the global head of iShares ETFs at BlackRock, the world's leading asset management firm. Notably, it was he who spearheaded the Bitcoin ETF project until it received the green light from the SEC in January. This launch proved to be very significant for the future of finance, as it marked (alongside 9 other funds) the first real incursion of cryptocurrencies into the realm of traditional finance.

The launch of these ETFs, aimed at mirroring the performance of cryptocurrencies, was explosive. High demand quickly sent the price of Bitcoin soaring, exceeding $73,000, its highest ever. But beyond the enthusiasm of digital asset aficionados, they were primarily the object of institutional investment. For instance, on May 15, it was the U.S. state of Wisconsin that purchased $164 million worth of the Spot Bitcoin ETF... out of which $100 million was IBIT, the one from BlackRock. Since last January 10th, the total trading volume for these novel funds stands at $260 billion, according to data from The Block.


Vanguard has always kept away from crypto assets

Up until now, the cryptocurrency world has been largely unexplored by Vanguard: outgoing CEO, Tim Buckley, has always been somewhat cautious about it. The appointment of Salim Ramji seems to suggest a potential openness by the company to digital assets, which would be a small revolution in the company's offerings.

While Salim Ramji has always shown an interest in blockchain technologies and digital assets to modernize finance, there is no indication that he plans to steer Vanguard towards this market. In his acceptance speech, the new CEO was reserved about potential new directions: « My goal will be to mobilize Vanguard to rise to the occasion while staying true to its main objective: to remain the trusted company that stands up for all investors, » he declared. The management company's press release does not mention his cryptocurrency experience.

It would, however, be surprising if a financial company of Vanguard's magnitude chose not to enter this market in the medium term. The growing demand from institutions and the increasingly close ties between traditional finance and digital finance cannot be ignored. Particularly considering that other players are in talks with US authorities for the launch of ETFs on Ethereum, the other star cryptocurrency.

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Commentaires (11)

Intéressant de voir l'évolution de Vanguard. J'attends de voir.

Je trouve ça assez surprenant quand même. Vanguard, qui a toujours été hyper conservateur, pourrait changer de cap à cause de Ramji ? Est-ce que ça ne risque pas de déstabiliser leurs clients habituels ?

Avec l'arrivée de Salim Ramji, je me demande si Vanguard va enfin voir les cryptos d'un bon œil. C'est sûr que ça pourrait ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités d'investissement.

Ce serait un vrai bouleversement pour une entreprise qui a toujours évité ce marché. En tant qu'investisseur, je me demande quels seraient les impacts sur la performance et les risques des produits Vanguard. À suivre !

Alors là, c'est incroyable ! Vanguard qui envisage les cryptomonnaies ? Les ETFs Bitcoin avaient déjà fait beaucoup de bruit. Ça va secouer la finance traditionnelle, à suivre de près !