Idéal Investisseur
Idéal Investisseur
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Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's Mansion Sold to Armenia for 23 Million Euros

Businessman Charles Beigbeder has sold the residence, occupied for 60 years by the former president, to the Armenian embassy. With a nice capital gain.

Temps de lecture : 1 minute(s) - Par C Dulary | Publié le 07-06-2024 11:01 
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's Mansion Sold to Armenia for 23 Million Euros

A capital gain of 4 million euros in just a few months

A year ago, a 1500 m² mansion was bought by a mysterious purchaser. Rumors about who had spent 19 million euros to buy the former home of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing abounded. Finally, it was Sotheby's, the house in charge of reselling in 2024, that revealed the man to be businessman Charles Beigbeder.

This luxurious building located at 9-11 rue Bénouville in Paris, a neighborhood home to numerous embassies, has just been transferred to the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to a press statement last February, the Caucasian country spent 23 million euros on this purchase, generating a surplus of approximately 4 million euros for the seller. « The property (...) has historical value, considering that since 1956 it belonged to the French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. (...) The real value of the building surpasses this amount by a large margin."

Assurance Vie

A masterpiece by architect André Berard dating back to 1885, the building stands out with its stone facade, an elegant courtyard and two symmetrical porches. Its classic architecture is typical of French elegance, and the interior is no less impressive with hardwood floors, moldings and fireplaces.

Built on 3 floors, the mansion offers 17 rooms, including a master suite and 10 bedrooms. With its 2 entrances and 3 living rooms with significant volumes and magnificent high ceilings, the whole allows hosting numerous guests in an extraordinary setting. The property also boasts a 500 m² garden and 45 m² of terraces.

Occupied for 60 years by the former President of the Republic, this mansion has witnessed numerous diplomatic meetings and major political decisions during “VGE’s” presidency (1974 - 1981). From now on, it will house new diplomatic relations as the Armenian embassy.

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Commentaires (18)

Je me demande comment l'ambassade d'Arménie peut se permettre un tel achat, surtout vu le contexte économique.

N'importe quoi, comment on peut faire une plus-value pareille en quelques mois alors que nous, on galère à faire 2% sur un Livret A ? Et l'Arménie qui claque 23 millions pour une demeure... Y a sûrement plus urgent comme dépenses !

C'est quand même fou comment certains arrivent à se faire des millions en claquant des doigts, pendant que d'autres galèrent pour boucler les fins de mois. On vit vraiment dans deux mondes différents.

Oh là là, sacrée plus-value ! Je serais curieux de savoir comment il a fait pour gonfler le prix en si peu de temps... Astuce immobilière ou simple effet de mode ?

Les pros de l'immobilier : ouin-ouin, les prix montent, puis ouin-ouin les prix baissent... Mais c'est toujours le moment de vous endetter braves citoyen pour votre petite cage à poule (parce que oui, le gouvernement il a dit que la maison c'était pas bien pour l'environnement)! Et pendant ce temps, des gars empochent 4 millions en 6 mois. Les bras m'en tombent, même si je ne suis pas surpris.