Idéal Investisseur
Idéal Investisseur
Louve Invest

"Becoming a Business Introducer Doubled My Salary"

Whether practiced full-time or in addition to one's occupation, business introducing can create relational... and financial opportunities.

Temps de lecture : 5 minute(s) - Par C Dulary | Mis à jour le 27-06-2024 18:45 | Publié le 27-06-2024 17:39 

Leverage your network

Thanks to his quick wit and professional network, Henri significantly boosted his turnover. This independent 39-year-old landscaper has an art for listening to his clients and connecting people when he identifies an opportunity. A natural-born shrewd businessman, he knows that personal relationships are a true asset in his local economic fabric.

"In the beginning, the idea was to help everyone out. A client needs an electrician or a builder? I connect them with a reliable person. A professional contact has a need? I try to refer them to one of my clients who can help. » These services allowed him, in turn, to find new clients without prospecting, « even though it's counterproductive to expect a return every time, » he affirms.

Events took a new turn when one of his acquaintances connected him with a real estate agent who had just launched his business in the area. « He asked me if I knew people who wanted to sell or buy, and told me that I could earn a commission on the sale as a business provider. I started asking my clients, and it quickly caught on."


A supplementary and lucrative activity

In prosperous times, Henri generated a nice additional income with this side business. « Sometimes nothing would happen for several months, and then, at other times, I almost doubled my salary. » In 2018, luck smiled upon him: two neighbors were selling their houses at the same time. « One of my clients asked me if I knew a developer. I had worked on a garden of a building under construction nearby, so I offered to look for her. »

The landscaper quickly caught the interest of 2 regional operators, but the adventure wasn't all a walk in the park. « After making the connection, I didn't hear any news. I let it go, until the owner recalled me: one of the developers was going to buy the houses to build a residence, and she was surprised that I was not mentioned as an intermediary. Imagine my pleasant surprise! »

And for good reason: the sale of the two building plots was concluded for 1.5 million euros. « This operation earned me more than 35,000 euros. Without the kindness of my client, I would never have got anything!"

What if you became a business introducer

While real estate has its complexities, most other industries are much easier to work with. Regardless of the sector, the signing of a contract is often the result of a recommendation or referral. Though being a business introducer can be a profession in itself, many professionals become « matchmakers » by seizing opportunities. Because yes, word of mouth can also present  opportunities where reciprocation is common.

This networking is all the more fruitful when one has a good contact list. In Henri's case, it was his connection with the local craftsman and business network that made the difference. The same is true in many sectors, as long as one knows how to listen to each other's needs and connect the right people.

"We can't work alone more and more: the network is not limited to just your company or your profession, » explains Evelyne Girard, HR in an IT SME in France. « In general, the world in which we evolve is narrow: even in large cities, we always end up meeting the same people. » The interest is thus to surround oneself with people from related fields, « starting with developing good relationships with clients and suppliers. » A skill that can also be useful « when it's time to apply elsewhere, » she says.

An activity not always compatible with one's profession

For employees, business development can't, however, be practiced haphazardly. “There is a duty of loyalty and non-competition towards one's employer”, adds Evelyne Girard. Taking advantage of one's professional relationships to act as a “go-between” can thus be risky in terms of the law, if the company feels wronged. Everything, therefore, depends on the nature of the business.

Henri, for his part, encountered a legal problem: in real estate, matchmaking falls under the Hoguet law in France, and requires obtaining a real estate agent card. “To keep everything clean, I had to register as a commercial agent. The agency I was working with then offered me a T card delegation”.

Professionalize and negotiate your business referral fees

When the flow of opportunities is sufficient, business introducing can also become a full-time job, performed independently. Almost exclusively based on relationships, it requires skills to unearth deals and then introduce sellers to the right potential customers.

But tenacity is also necessary: “a broker only gets paid when the contract is signed and the money is handed over,” explains Thierry*, who works in the investment sector. “You can thus work for months on a case without getting anything at the end. But generally, the game is worth the candle.”

Beyond these sales skills, “including negotiating his own commission” according to Thierry, business brokering primarily relies on a network built up year after year. “Unless you have family connections, I think it is impossible to start without having worked 5 to 10 years in a specific sector,” he concludes. “It's a prerequisite to thoroughly understand the functioning of the environment in question, to know who the key people are and understand what their needs are. Not to mention that talking about a mutual acquaintance, it automatically brings you closer.”

*Name has been changed.


How to become a business introducer?
To become a business introducer, it is essential to start by identifying a sector of activity in which you have knowledge and contacts. Then, grow your professional network, participate in networking events, and use professional social networks. It can also be helpful to take negotiation and communication training courses.

What is the average income of a business introducer?
The income of a business introducer varies greatly depending on the sector and commissions earned. However, with full-time activity and recognized expertise, it is possible to generate incomes far exceeding those of traditional employment, sometimes even doubling or tripling your initial salary.

Do you need a degree to become a business introducer?
It is not necessary to have a specific degree to become a business introducer. However, knowledge in business, marketing, or a specific sector can be very advantageous. Experience and skills in communication and negotiation are often more important than academic qualifications.

Which sectors are the most lucrative for a business introducer?
The most lucrative sectors for a business introducer are often high-value ones, such as real estate, finance, technology, and business services. These sectors offer high commission opportunities due to the value of the transactions concluded.

How to find potential clients?
To find potential clients, it is important to develop a solid network by participating in professional events, using social networks like LinkedIn, and establishing partnerships with other professionals. Staying informed about market trends and business needs is also crucial.

What is the role of a business introducer in a company?
The business introducer plays a key role in connecting companies with potential business opportunities. They identify clients' needs and propose suitable solutions, thus facilitating the conclusion of transactions beneficial for all parties involved. Their role is to create added value by identifying and exploiting growth opportunities.

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* Information obligatoire

Commentaires (19)

Alors là, je suis un peu sceptique. Doubler son salaire en faisant l'apporteur d'affaires, c'est pas donné à tout le monde, non ? C'est quoi les vraies conditions pour y arriver ?

L'article donne une vision super positive. Mais, sérieusement, est-ce que c'est vraiment viable pour tout le monde ? J'ai l'impression qu'il faut quand même déjà avoir un gros réseau de contacts pour que ça marche vraiment.

Il serait pas plus joueur de pipo que paysagiste ?

Tiens, c'est intéressant ça ! Je suis comptable et je cherche justement des moyens d'augmenter mes revenus sans pour autant sacrifier mon temps. Des conseils ?

Ça a l'air trop bien ce job d'apporteur d'affaires ! Quelqu'un a déjà essayé ? On peut vraiment doubler son salaire juste avec ça ? ????