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Taxes: The French Between Fed Up and Civic Duty

The 2nd Barometer of tax and social deductions reveals both a rejection of the level of deductions and a strong civic consciousness.

Temps de lecture : 1 minute(s) - Par L. Villedoré | Mis à jour le 02-02-2024 19:57 | Publié le 01-02-2024 15:30 
Taxes: The French Between Fed Up and Civic Duty

A level of levies perceived as excessive

The survey, conducted by the Council of Mandatory Levies in collaboration with Harris Interactive and CREST, highlights the ambivalent attitude of the French towards tax.

A constant emerges: the French deem the level of taxes and social contributions too high. 75% of respondents believe the amount of taxes is too high, a figure that climbs to 76% when addressing social contributions. A perception that loses intensity when the French consider their personal situation: only 63% still believe they pay too much tax, and 65% feel they contribute too much to social security.


An opposition to the reduction of public spending

While the level of tax levies is criticized, the French are reluctant to agree to a reduction in public spending to alleviate their tax burden. They rather support the perspective of improving the quality of public expenditure, without changing the level of levies.

French between criticism and approval of the socio-fiscal system

The French tax and social system, though associated with high levies, is also perceived as unfair by a large portion of the French population. This perception is due to various, sometimes contradictory, reasons. Paradoxically, the survey also notes a certain tax civility among respondents: 79% of them acknowledge that paying taxes is a 'civic duty' and 55% are in favor of strengthening the fight against tax fraud.

Behavioral adjustments in response to changes in withdrawals

The study also highlights the way in which the French adapt their economic behaviors to variations in tax and social charges. The respondents thus declare to adjust their consumption and savings more than their work, in response to a change in their taxes and social contributions.

Determining factors of tax consent

Knowledge of the socio-fiscal system, trust in institutions, a sense of fiscal equity, and satisfaction with the use of public money are the main determinants of tax consent. Conversely, the quality of relations with the tax administration and socio-demographic factors have a weak or inconclusive role on this consent.

To strengthen tax consent, the CPO notably recommends regularly questioning the use of mandatory levies through expenditure reviews and improving taxpayer information on the use of public money, as well increases sensitivity to the control of this expenditure.

These figures are revealed in a broader context marked by increased sensitivity to tax and public money use issues, notably illustrated by the lack of resources of many public services such as the hospital, justice system, or the school.

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Commentaires (9)

C'est un peu paradoxal vous trouvez pas ? D'un côté ils se plaignent du taux excessif des prélèvements, de l'autre ils sont contre la réduction des dépenses publiques. Il faut savoir ce qu'on veut vraiment les amis !

Ras le bol ou pas, on n'a pas le choix, on doit payer ces impôts. Mais bon, je suis quand même d'accord qu'il y'a une bonne marge d'amélioration dans la façon dont ces fonds sont ensuite utilisés. Et aussi, il faut noter que ce n'est pas tous les jours qu'on voit les français prêts à accepter la réduction des dépenses publiques, ça montre bien un certain niveau de civisme, n'est-ce pas ?

Une minute ! L'article parle d'un rejet du niveau des prélèvements mais aussi d'une opposition à la réduction des dépenses publiques ? Bonjour le paradoxe. Comme si on pouvait avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre ! Du coup, je ne sais pas vous, mais moi, je suis un peu paumé...

C'est un peu la quadrature du cercle cet article, non? D'un côté, on râle parce que les impôts sont trop élevés, de l'autre, on refuse la diminution des dépenses publiques. Comment on fait pour améliorer les choses dans ces conditions? On est un peu pathétiques, les français, des fois...

C'est quoi ces paradoxes ? D'un côté on hurle à l'excès d'impôts et d'un autre, on se bat pour préserver nos dépenses publiques ? Faudrait savoir ce que l'on veut, c'est pas le père Noël l'Etat !