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French Elections: Entrepreneurs harshly critique economic programs

No party is garnering the massive support of small business owners. In search of stability and support measures, they struggle to find a response to their needs.

Temps de lecture : 2 minute(s) - Par L Villedoré | Mis à jour le 25-06-2024 18:38 | Publié le 25-06-2024 07:30 
French Elections: Entrepreneurs harshly critique economic programs

40% of entrepreneurs are very worried

In the upheaval of the political landscape, a worried voice tends to rise: that of small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs, the vibrant force of the country's economy.

The political sky, heavy with dark clouds, heavily weighs on the minds of those called « small business owners ». According to a survey conducted for Legalstart among 1200 businesses, 85% of which employ fewer than 10 employees, about 67% express concern about the results of the June 30th and July 7th elections. 40% even describe themselves as « very worried ».

Politics, like a capricious wind, strongly blows on the stability of their activity, its growth, the regulatory environment, labor regulation, and access to credit. Essential pillars for their sustainability, or even their survival. This perceived devastating storm prompts intense fears that no program seems to clearly soothe.

Facing uncertainties, entrepreneurs loudly proclaim their expectations: a reduction in tax and social charges (63%), a simplification of administrative procedures (49%), and a reduction of public spending (37%). Labor market flexibility and support for innovation also emerge as crucial needs.

Assurance Vie

No massive membership to a party

If small and medium-sized business owners believe that the political party in a few days will have a decisive influence on the future of their activities, their opinions mirror the rest of society: fractured and without real adherence to one camp or another.

Thus, no political party manages to gather a majority of entrepreneurs under its banner. « Together », which represents the presidential party, is considered as « the political formation that would provide the best support to entrepreneurs » by only 34.7% of respondents, followed by the National Rally at 27.5%. The New Popular Front (NPF) collects 18.1% of the votes, while The Republicans get 14% and Reconquest, 6.1%.

A harsh judgment on economic programs

Once a beacon for entrepreneurs, Ensemble now struggles to convince. Its average rating of 4.3 out of 10 illustrates « perhaps a choice by default rather than conviction », analyzes Legalstart. Only 16% of respondents give it an enthusiasm rating (equal to or greater than 8), which is a lower number than those who consider its program as « Not at all credible » (19.5%).

The Rassemblement National emerges as a polarizing player. 36% of those surveyed completely reject its economic program, but 21.9% give it an enthusiasm rating. 10.7% even declare it « very credible » with a score of 10/10, which is twice as many as in the presidential camp.

The economic program of the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) is deemed « not at all credible » by 52% of respondents. However, 12.1% of entrepreneurs give it a rating greater than or equal to 8. The Reconquête party also elicits categorical rejection from 44.4% of respondents, while the Republicans (LR) program does not stir up crowds, with very scattered opinions.

Differences depending on ages, regions, and sectors

Entrepreneurial voices are not uniform. The presidential camp is primarily supported by entrepreneurs aged 25 to 44, as well as those operating in Ile de France or Burgundy. The 18-34 year olds prefer the National Rally at 31%, thus illustrating a generational divide, as well as those from the regions of Occitanie, Normandy, Corsica, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

If we look at sectors, craftsmanship and commerce tend to lean more towards the RN, while industry, consulting, and services support the presidential camp. The NFP finds its strongest backing in the information and communication sector.

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Commentaires (8)

Je me demande ce qui pousse les petits patrons à ne pas trouver de programmes économiques à leur goût ? Est-ce un manque de vision ou de pragmatisme de la part des politiques ?

C'est pas étonnant que les entrepreneurs soient inquiets, aucun programme ne répond vraiment à leurs attentes. Tout ce qu'on voit, c'est des promesses en l'air. Et après on s'étonne...

C'est bien beau de parler de stabiliser et soutenir, mais concrètement ils font quoi pour nous ? Je ne vois rien de concret là-dedans.

Je trouve ça vraiment inquiétant que les petits entrepreneurs n'aient pas de véritable soutien politique. Si les programmes économiques actuels ne répondent pas à leurs besoins, on risque de voir de moins en moins de nouvelles entreprises se lancer. Il faudrait un plan plus concret et stable pour booster le tissu entrepreneurial !

Je comprends parfaitement le désarroi des petits patrons. Il est crucial que les partis politiques prêtent plus d'attention aux besoins des entrepreneurs qui représentent le cœur battant de notre économie locale. Sans leur soutien et des mesures appropriées, la dynamique économique risque de ralentir considérablement.